When I got the idea for this blog I was drunk. Really really really drunk. Also, I was thinking about this movie. Don’t ask me why because I don’t have an answer for you. If I had to venture a guess I would say that I was thinking about this movie because it is, in fact, terrible, and not in that it’s so terrible it’s good kind of way, but rather the it’s so terrible it’s terrible one.

So I thought that I would warn the world to keep far far away from this piece of celluloid trash, and hence in my drunken state this idea was born. I think it is a good idea, a great idea in fact, but there is just one little problem…

If I am going to be writing about this movie (and I am) then I need to have strong working knowledge of it (which I don’t). Sure, I’ve seen it, but only once, and believe me brothers and sisters, once is more than enough. I remember a lot of what makes it so terrible, but my memory lacks the details and minutia that sends this from just being a mediocre and senseless movie into the realm of “Holy Crap! Compared to Waxwork 2: Lost in Time Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen is a piece of cinematic genius!” Unfortunately this means that I will have to watch the damned thing again, or at least I should for posterity’s sake.

Wish me luck. I’m going to need lots of it. How much, you ask? Well, here is the trailer, and I would just like to say when the movie voice man says “more horror than you can handle,” he really should say “more stupidity than you can shake a stick at.”

See for yourselves:

To movies, good and bad.